ITRAP Means Improving Training in Pharmacy through Multi-actors Partnership (MAP)
MAP/MSP means is a cooperation in which stakeholders from different sectors work together as equal partners through an organized and long-term engagement to achieve a common goal.

Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC) in collaboration with Action Medeor (a German medical aid NGO) and the Pharmacy Council of Tanzania are implementing a “Multi-Actor Partnership” (MAP) project. The multi Actors Partnership project is a three years (May 2021-May 2023) project implemented in Tanzania with financial support from Germany Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the companies Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim and Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. The major goal of the project is to contribute to the sustainable strengthening of health care through better and more trained pharmaceutical assistants, technicians and better-qualified hospital pharmacists in Tanzania.

Multi Actors Partnership project works to ensure we;

  1. Expand the established dialogue structures and cooperation systems as an important organizational form for improved pharmaceutical education in Tanzania. Support academic and administrative managers and teaching staff to be registered by PTIs and involved to implement targeted measures to achieve and maintain quality standards, taking into account advancing digitalization.
  2. Master trainers in clinical pharmacy from three faculties of pharmacy and one school of pharmacy are qualified to train faculty in clinical pharmacy and multidisciplinary health care teams.

Project Goal

The main objective of the project contributes to the sustainable strengthening of healthcare through better and more qualified pharmaceutical professional in Tanzania. The project is supporting government effort especially Pharmacy Council to ensure quality of training is improved and pharmaceutical professional becomes among the pillars in the provision of healthcare.

MAP/ITRAP project sub goals are;

  • To improve MAP/ITRAP round table for sustainable dialogue
  • To Improve teaching and learning environment
  • To improve quality and standards of Pharmacy training
  • To strengthen training and service provision of Clinical Pharmacy services
  • To Improve availability of local and tailor-made reference materials
  • To support e-learning platforms.
  • To build capacity of Pharmacy Training Institutions (PTIs) administrators in their managing of facilities.

Project Coverage

The project works with stakeholders including government, regulatory bodies, private sector, academia, pharma industries, professional associations, NGOs, registered pharmacists, 3 universities with the faculty of pharmacy and more than 50 Pharmacy Training Institutions (PTIS) in more than 15 regions in Tanzania across Tanzania.

Project Beneficiaries

The project will directly benefit multi-stakeholders including registered pharmaceutical colleges and universities with pharmaceutical faculties, pharmacy regulatory authorities, relevant ministries, stakeholders in the pharmacy business and will also be capacitated on advocating for improving the quality of pharmaceutical education in the country through established Round Table for Improving Training in Pharmacy (ITRAP).

The project also works to improve the quality of pharmacy education in Tanzania by advocating to improve pharmaceutical national curriculum and the practice of clinical pharmacy services in the health facilities and hospitals to indirectly benefit trainees around 3600 per year, students around 670 per year and Tanzanian population at large by receiving quality and trusted pharmacy services from the competent pharmacist at the health facilities, pharmacies and drug dispensaries which are also other beneficiaries.

Project Outcomes
  • Improved pharmaceutical education curriculum which will enable the growth of competence and highly qualified pharmacist to increase their chance in the labor market.
  • Improved dialogue structure of multi stakeholders to sustain the advocacy for the improved pharmaceutical education in Tanzania through a recognized Round Table.
  • Implemented and compliance of Quality standards including digitalization by the academics, administrative managers and technical staff of the registered pharmaceutical technical schools in the country.
  • Improved pharmaceutical training quality and control; and accessibility of the digital e-platform by the relevant ministries.

